26. For a deed of ire that thou hast perpetrated, never atone with evil: the weeping thou shalt soothe with benefits: that is salutary to the soul.

27. On God a man shall for good things call, on him who has mankind created. Greatly sinful is every man who late finds the Father.

28. To be solicited, we opine, is with all earnestness for that which is lacking: of all things may be destitute he who for nothing asks: few heed the wants of the silent.

29. Late I came, though called betimes, to the supreme Judge's door; thitherward I yearn; for it was promised me, he who craves it shall of the feast partake.

3O. Sins are the cause that sorrowing we depart from this world: no one stands in dread, if he does no evil: good it is to be blameless.


26. Reiðiverk, þau er þú unnit hefr, bæt þú eigi illu yfir;
grættan gæla skaltu með góðum hlutum, þat kveða sálu sama.

27. Á guð skal heita til góðra hluta, þann er hefir skatna skapat;
mjök fyrir verðr manna hverr, er seinar finna föður.

28. Æsta dugir einkum vandliga þess er þykkir vant vera;
alls á mis verðr, sá er einskis biðr; fár hyggr þegjanda þörf.

29. Síðla ek kom, snemma kallaðr, til dómvalds dyra;
þangat ek ætlumk, því mér heitit var: sá hefir krás, er krefr.

30. Syndir því valda, at vér hryggvir förum ægisheimi ór;
engi óttask, nema illt geri; gott er vammalausum vera.


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