6. Here shall not one another harm,
evil machinate, nor occasion death,
nor yet strike with the biting sword,
although a brother's slayer he find bound."

7. He had not yet said one word before:
"Sleep ye not longer than the gowks round
the house, or than while one song I sing."

8. "Thou wast not, Frodi for thyself over-wise,
or a friend of men, when thralls thou boughtest;
for strength thou chosest them, and for their looks,
but of their race didst not inquire.

9. Stout was Hrungnir, and his father,
yet was Thiassi stronger than they ;
Idi and Ornir our relations are,
brothers of the mountain-giants from whom we are born.

10. Grotti had not come from the grey fell,
nor yet the hard stone from the earth;
nor so had ground the giant maid,
if her race had aught of her known.

[7. The nê of the original is devoid of meaning; and therefore changed by Egilsson to en; or may it, like our provincial nor, be equivalent to than?]


6. Hér skyli engi öðrum granda,
til böls búa né til bana orka,
né höggva því hvössu sverði,
þó at bana bróður bundinn finni."

7. En hann kvað ekki orð it fyrra:
"Sofið eigi meir en of sal gaukar
eða lengr en svá ljóð eitt kveðak."

8. "Var-at-tu, Fróði, fullspakr of þik,
málvinr manna, er þú man keyptir;
kaustu at afli ok at álitum,
en at ætterni ekki spurðir.

9. Harðr var Hrungnir ok hans faðir,
þó var Þjazi þeim öflgari;
Iði ok Aurnir, okkrir niðjar,
bræðr bergrisa, þeim erum bornar.

10. Kæmi-a Grótti ór gréa fjalli
né sá inn harði hallr ór jörðu,
né mæli svá mær bergrisa,
ef vissi vit vætr til hennar.


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