6. The God of heaven he prayed for help, when being struck he woke; but he was doomed the sins of him on himself to take, whom sackless he had slain.

7. Holy angels came from heaven above, and took to them his soul: in a life of purity it shall ever live with the almighty God.


8. Riches and health no one may command, though all go smoothly with him. To many that befalls which they least expect. No one may command his tranquil-

9. Unnar and Saevaldi never imagined that happiness would fall from them, yet naked they became, and of all bereft, and, like wolves, ran to the forest.


10. The force of pleasure has many a one bewailed. Cares are often caused by women; pernicious they become, although the mighty God them pure created.


6. Himna guð bað hann hjálpa sér, þá hann veginn vaknaði; en sá gat við synðum taka, er hann hafði saklausan svikit.

7. Helgir englar kómu ór himnum ofan ok tóku sál hans til sín; í hreinu lífi hon skal lifa æ með almáttkum guði.


8. Auð né heilsu ræðr engi maðr, þótt honum gangi greitt; margan þat sækir er minnst of varir, engi ræðr sættum sjálfr.

9. Ekki þeir hugðu Unnarr ok Sævaldi, at þeim myndi heill hrapa; nakðir þeir urðu ok næmðir hvívetna, ok runnu sem vargar til viðar.


10. Munaðar ríki hefir margan tregat, oft verðr kvalræði af konum; meingar þær urðu, þó inn máttki guð skapaði skírliga.


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