

1.                                                               1.

Vreiðr var þá Vingþórr                              Enraged was Ving-Thor(1) then

er hann vaknaði                                         when he awoke

ok síns hamars                                           and his hammer

of saknaði,                                                 found missing,

skegg nam at hrista,                                  [he] started to shake his beard,

skör nam at dýja,                                       [he] started to toss his hair,

réð Jarðar burr                                           Jǫrð's son began

um at þreifask.                                          to grope around him.


2.                                                               2.

Ok hann þat orða                                      And he this word

alls fyrst of kvað:                                      said as the first one:

"Heyrðu nú, Loki,                                     "Listen now, Loki,

hvat ek nú mæli                                         to what I say now,

er eigi veit                                                 which does not know(2)

jarðar hvergi                                              anywhere on earth

né upphimins:                                            or in heaven:

áss er stolinn hamri!"                                 from the Áss(3) [his] hammer has been



3.                                                               3.

Gengu þeir fagra                                       They went to beautiful

Freyju túna,                                               Freyja's dwelling,

ok hann þat orða                                       and he this word

alls fyrst of kvað:                                      said as the first one:

"Muntu mér, Freyja,                                  "Will you, Freyja,

fjaðrhams léa,                                            lend me [your] feather-cloak(4),

ef ek minn hamar                                      in case I my hammer

mættak hitta?".                                          can find?"


Freyja kvað:                                                          Freyja said:

4.                                                               4.

"Þó munda ek gefa þér                              "Still I would give it to you

þótt ór gulli væri,                                      even if it were of gold,

ok þó selja,                                                and still grant [it],

at væri ór silfri."                                        if it were of silver."


5.                                                               5.

Fló þá Loki,                                               Then Loki flew

- fjaðrhamr dunði, -                                   - the feather-cloak resounded -

unz fyr útan kom                                       until [he] arrived on the outside of

ása garða                                                   Asgard

ok fyr innan kom                                       and arrived on the inside of

jötna heima.                                               Jǫtunheim.


6.                                                               6.

Þrymr sat á haugi,                                     Þrymr sat on a mound,

þursa dróttinn,                                           lord of thurses,(5)

greyjum sínum                                           for his greyhounds           

gullbönd sneri                                           [he] was twisting golden leashes

ok mörum sínum                                       and his steeds'

mön jafnaði.                                              manes he was evening.


Þrymr kvað:                                                           Þrymr said:

7.                                                               7.

"Hvat er með ásum?                                  "How is it with the Æsir?

Hvat er með alfum?                                  How is it with the Álfar?

Hví ertu einn kominn                                Why have you come alone

í Jötunheima?"                                           into Jǫtunheim?"


Loki kvað:                                                             Loki said:

"Illt er með ásum,                                      "Bad it is with the Æsir,

illt er með alfum;                                       bad it is with the Álfar;

hefr þú Hlórriða                                        have you hidden

hamar of folginn?"                                    Hlórriði's hammer?"


Þrymr kvað:                                                           Þrymr said:

8.                                                               8.

"Ek hef Hlórriða                                        "I have hidden

hamar of folginn                                       Hlórriði's hammer

átta röstum                                                eight leagues(6)

fyr jörð neðan;                                           under the earth;

hann engi maðr                                          no person [will]

aftr of heimtir,                                           bring it back,

nema færi mér                                           unless [he] should bring me

Freyju at kvæn."                                        Freyja as wife."


9.                                                               9.

Fló þá Loki,                                               Then Loki flew,

- fjaðrhamr dunði, -                                   - the feather-cloak resounded -

unz fyr útan kom                                       until [he] arrived on the outside of

jötna heima                                                Jǫtunheim

ok fyr innan kom                                       and arrived on the inside of

ása garða.                                                  Asgard.

Mætti hann Þór                                         He met Thor

miðra garða,                                              in the middle of the courts,

ok þat hann orða                                       and he this word

alls fyrst of kvað:                                      said as the first one:


10.                                                             10.

"Hefr þú erendi                                         "Have you news

sem erfiði?                                                 to match your labour?

Segðu á lofti                                              Speak from the air

löng tíðendi,                                              the tidings at length,

oft sitjanda                                                in seated people often

sögur of fallask                                         the stories stumble

ok liggjandi                                               and people lying down

lygi of bellir."                                            deal in lies."


Loki kvað:                                                             Loki said:

11.                                                             11.

"Hef ek erfiði                                            "I have labour

ok erendi;                                                  and news;

Þrymr hefr þinn hamar,                             Þrymr has your hammer,

þursa dróttinn;                                           lord of thurses,

hann engi maðr                                          no person [will]

aftr of heimtir,                                           bring it back,

nema hánum færi                                      unless [he] should bring him

Freyju at kván."                                         Freyja as wife."


12.                                                             12.

Ganga þeir fagra                                       They went to find

Freyju at hitta,                                           fair Freyja,

ok hann þat orða                                       and he this word

alls fyrst of kvað:                                      said as the first one:

"Bittu þik, Freyja,                                     "Freyja, wrap(7) yourself

brúðar líni;                                                 in bride's linen;

vit skulum aka tvau                                   we two must drive

í Jötunheima."                                           to Jǫtunheim."


13.                                                             13.

Reið varð þá Freyja                                   Enraged(8) was Freyja then

ok fnasaði,                                                 and snorted,

allr ása salr                                                 all the hall of the Æsir

undir bifðisk,                                             shook underfoot,

stökk þat it mikla                                      there sprang apart the great

men Brísinga:                                            necklace of the Brísings:

"Mik veiztu verða                                      "You [would] know me

vergjarnasta,                                              the most man-crazy of women,

ef ek ek með þér                                        if I drove with you

í Jötunheima."                                           to Jǫtunheim."


14.                                                             14.

Senn váru æsir                                           At once the Æsir were

allir á þingi                                                all at Thing

ok ásynjur                                                  and the goddesses

allar á máli,                                                all in conversation,

ok um þat réðu                                          and this they were considering,

ríkir tívar(9)                                               the mighty gods,

hvé þeir Hlórriða                                       how they could

hamar of sætti.                                          regain the hammer.


15.                                                             15.

Þá kvað þat Heimdallr,                             Then said this Heimdallr,

hvítastr ása,                                               the whitest of the Æsir,

vissi hann vel fram                                    he had good foresight

sem vanir aðrir:                                          like the other Vanir:

"Bindum vér Þór þá                                  "Let us wrap Thor in the

brúðar líni,                                                 bride's linen,

hafi hann it mikla                                      let him have the great

men Brísinga.                                            necklace of the Brísings.


16.                                                             16.

Látum und hánum                                     Let the keys dangle          

hrynja lukla                                               under him(10)

ok kvenváðir                                             and women's clothes

um kné falla,                                             fall around his knees,

en á brjósti                                                 and on his breast

breiða steina                                              broad stones

ok hagliga                                                  and deftly

um höfuð typpum."                                   wind [the linen] around his head."


17.                                                             17.

Þá kvað þat Þór,                                        Then Thor said this,

þrúðugr áss:                                               the doughty god:

"Mik munu æsir                                         "The Æsir will

argan kalla,                                                call me perverted,(11)

ef ek bindask læt                                       if I let myself be wrapped

brúðar líni!"                                               in bride's linen!"


18.                                                             18.

Þá kvað þat Loki                                       Then Loki,

Laufeyjar sonr:                                          Laufey's son, said this:

"Þegi þú, Þórr,                                           "Thor, stop talking

þeira orða.                                                 these words.

Þegar munu jötnar                                     Jǫtuns will soon

Ásgarð búa,                                               be living in Asgard,

nema þú þinn hamar                                  unless you get back

þér of heimtir."                                          your hammer."


19.                                                             19.

Bundu þeir Þór þá                                     Then they wrapped Thor

brúðar líni                                                  in bridal linen

ok inu mikla                                              and the great

meni Brísinga,                                           necklace of the Brísings,

létu und hánum                                         let the keys dangle

hrynja lukla                                               under him

ok kvenváðir                                             and women's clothes

um kné falla,                                             fall around his knees,

en á brjósti                                                 and on his breast

breiða steina,                                             broad stones,

ok hagliga                                                  and deftly

um höfuð typpðu.                                     wound [the linen] around his head.


20.                                                             20.

Þá kvað Loki                                             Then said Loki,

Laufeyjar sonr:                                          Laufey's son:

"Mun ek ok með þér                                  "I will be with you

ambótt vera,                                              [as] a handmaiden,

vit skulum aka tvær                                   we two must drive

í Jötunheima."                                           to Jǫtunheim."


21.                                                             21.

Senn váru hafrar                                        At once the goats were

heim of reknir,                                           driven home,

skyndir at sköklum,                                   hurried into the traces,

skyldu vel renna;                                       they must run well;

björg brotnuðu,                                         hills split,

brann jörð loga,                                         the earth burnt with fire,

ók Óðins sonr                                            Óðin's son drove

í Jötunheima.                                             to Jǫtunheim.


22.                                                             22.

Þá kvað þat Þrymr,                                    Then Þrymr, lord of thurses,

þursa dróttinn:                                           said this:

"Standið upp, jötnar,                                 "Stand up, jǫtuns,

ok stráið bekki,                                          and strew the benches,

nú færa mér                                               now they are bringing(12) me

Freyju at kván                                           Freyja as wife,

Njarðar dóttur                                           the daughter of Njǫrð

ór Nóatúnum.                                            from Nóatún.


23.                                                             23.

Ganga hér at garði                                     There are on the hoof here in the courts

gullhyrnðar kýr,                                         gold-horned cows,

öxn alsvartir                                               all-black oxen,

jötni at gamni;                                           a pleasure to the jǫtunn;

fjölð á ek meiðma,                                     many treasures I have,

fjölð á ek menja,                                        many trinkets I have,

einnar mér Freyju                                      Freyja alone

ávant þykkir."                                            I lack, I think."


24.                                                             24.

Var þar at kveldi                                       There in the evening

of komit snemma                                      the coming together was early,(13)

ok fyr jötna                                               and to the jǫtuns

öl fram borit;                                             ale was brought out;

einn át oxa,                                                one ox [he] ate,

átta laxa,                                                    eight salmon,

krásir allar,                                                 all the delicacies

þær er konur skyldu,                                 that the women were supposed to [have],

drakk Sifjar verr                                        [and] Sif's husband drank

sáld þrjú mjaðar.                                        three measures(14) of mead.


25.                                                             25.

Þá kvat(15) þat Þrymr,                              Then Þrymr, lord of thurses,

þursa dróttinn:                                           said this:

"Hvar sáttu brúðir                                     "Did you ever see a bride

bíta hvassara?                                            chomp [so] keenly?(16)

Sák-a ek brúðir                                          I have never seen a bride

bíta breiðara,                                             chomp [so] widely,

né inn meira mjöð                                      nor a lass drink up

mey of drekka."                                        [so] much mead."


26.                                                             26.

Sat in alsnotra                                           There sat the all-savvy

ambótt fyrir,                                              handmaiden,

er orð of fann                                            who came up with words

við jötuns máli:                                          in response to the jǫtun's speech:

"Át vætr Freyja                                         "Freyja ate not at all

átta nóttum,                                               for eight nights,

svá var hon óðfús                                      so eager she was [to come]

í Jötunheima."                                           to Jǫtunheim."


27.                                                             27.

Laut und línu,                                           [Þrymr] stooped under the linen,

lysti at kyssa,                                             wiashing to kiss,

en hann útan stökk                                    but he started back

endlangan sal:                                           the length of the hall:

"Hví eru öndótt                                         "Why are Freyja's eyes

augu Freyju?                                             [so] piercing?(17)

Þykki mér ór augum                                  It seems to me from her eyes

eldr of brenna."                                         a fire burns."


28.                                                             28.

Sat in alsnotra                                           There sat the all-savvy

ambótt fyrir,                                              handmaiden,

er orð of fann                                            who came up with words

við jötuns máli:                                          in response to the jǫtun's speech:

"Svaf vætr Freyja                                      "Freyja slept not at all

átta nóttum,                                               for eight nights,

svá var hon óðfús                                      so eager she was [to come]

í Jötunheima."                                           to Jǫtunheim."


29.                                                             29.

Inn kom in arma                                        In came the wretched(18)

jötna systir,                                                sister of jǫtuns,

hin er brúðféar                                           she who dared

biðja þorði:                                                ask for a bride-fee:

"Láttu þér af höndum                               "Take off your hands

hringa rauða,                                             the red rings,

ef þú öðlask vill                                         if you want to win

ástir mínar,                                                my love,

ástir mínar,                                                my love,

alla hylli."                                                  all [my] favour."


30.                                                             30.

Þá kvað þat Þrymr,                                    Then Þrymr, lord of thurses,

þursa dróttinn:                                           said this:

"Berið inn hamar                                       "Bring in the hammer

brúði at vígja,                                            to hallow the bride,

lekkið Mjöllni                                            lay Mjǫllnir

í meyjar kné,                                              on the lass's knee,

vígið okkr saman                                       hallow us together

Várar hendi."                                             by the hand of Vár."


31.                                                             31.

Hló Hlórriða                                              Hlórriði's heart(19)

hugr í brjósti,                                             laughed in his breast,

er harðhugaðr                                            as, stern of spirit,

hamar of þekkði;                                       he spied the hammer;

Þrym drap hann fyrstan,                           Þrymr he struck dead first,

þursa dróttin,                                             lord of thurses,

ok ætt jötuns                                             and the clan of jǫtuns

alla lamði.                                                  all he maimed.


32.                                                             32.

Drap hann ina öldnu                                  He struck dead the old

jötna systur,                                               sister of jǫtuns,

hin er brúðféar                                           she who had begged

of beðit hafði;                                           a bride-fee;

hon skell of hlaut                                      she got a smashing           

fyr skillinga,                                              instead of shillings,

en högg hamars                                         and strokes of the hammer

fyr hringa fjölð.                                         instead of rings aplenty.

Svá kom Óðins sonr                                  Thus did Óðin's son

endr at hamri.                                            get back his hammer.




1. Vingþórr: epithet of Thor of uncertain meaning.

2. Either this is to be taken as a passive, "is not known", or Guðbrandur Vigfússon's emendation to engi, "no one knows", is needed.

3. Áss: singular of Æsir, most often used of Thor

4. A hamr is properly either the flayed-off skin of an animal or the shape a shape-shifter takes on. In the Prose Edda, when Loki borrows it from Freyja to rescue Iðunn, it is specified to be a valshamr, a falcon cloak or form.

5. Giants. The distinction between a thurs and a jǫtunn is not very clear, although modern Icelanders characterise the thurs as stupid, the jötunn as strong and the risi as big: "Hár sem risi, sterkr sem jötunn, heimskr sem þurs".

6. A rǫst is properly a stage in a journey, between two rest breaks.

7. The verb here and in verse 15 is binda, "bind"; there may be a pun with tying up, trussing.

8. The same word as in the first line, with the normal spelling, reiðr, rather than the older alliterative variant, vreiðr.

9. Tívar is a word for the gods that is etymologically the plural of Týr's name.

10. i.e., from his belt; the bunch of keys was the mark of the lady of a house.

11. Argr is a strongly pejorative word for "effeminate". I used "degenerate" in rendering it and its variations in "Lokasenna".

12. Emended; Codex Regius has fœrið, "bring me".

13. i.e, the party gathered in early evening

14. Sáld is etymologically a sieve.

15. i.e. kvað, as in verse 30; the manuscript uses many abbreviations.

16. with such sharp teeth.

17. or "fiery"; ǫndótt literally, "staring in the face".

18. In arma, "the wretched, pathetic", should probably be amended to in aldna, "the old", to match verse 32, as suggested by Bugge.

19. Hugr is literally mind, mood, spirit.