Fjolsvith spake:
16. "Together they sleep not, | for so was it fixed
When the guard to them was given;
One sleeps by night, | the next by day,
So no man may enter ever."
Svipdag spake:
17. "Now answer me, Fjolsvith, | the question I ask,
For now the truth would I know:
Is there no meat | that men may give them,
And leap within while they eat?"
Fjolsvith spake:
18. "Two wing-joints there be | in Vithofnir's body,
If now the truth thou wouldst know;
That alone is the meat | that men may give them,
And leap within while they eat."
Svipdag spake:
19. "Now answer me, Fjolsvith, | the question I ask,
For now the truth would I know:
What call they the tree | that casts abroad
Its limbs o'er every land?"
Fjolsvith spake:
20. "Mimameith its name, | and no man knows
What root beneath it runs;
And few can guess | what shall fell the tree,
For fire nor iron shall fell it."
[20. Mimameith ("Mimir's Tree"): the ash Yggdrasil, that overshadows the whole world. The well of Mimir was situated at its base; Cf. Voluspo, 27-29.]
Fjölsviðr kvað:
16. "Missvefni mikit var þeim mjök of lagit,
síðan þeim var varzla vituð;
annarr of nætr sefr, en annarr of daga,
ok kemsk þá vætr, ef þá kom."
Vindkaldr kvað:
17. "Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr, er ek þik fregna mun
ok ek vilja vita, hvárt sé matar nökkut,
þat er menn hafi, ok hlaupi inn, meðan þeir eta."
Fjölsviðr kvað:
18. "Vegnbráðir tvær liggja í Viðópnis liðum,
ef þú vilt þat vita, þat eitt er svá matar,
at þeim menn of gefi, ok hlaupi inn, meðan þeir eta."
Vindkaldr kvað:
19. "Segðu mér þat, Fjölsviðr, er ek þik fregna mun
ok ek vilja vita:
Hvat þat barr heitir, er breiðask um
lönd öll limar?"
Fjölsviðr kvað:
20. "Mímameiðr hann heitir, en þat manngi veit,
af hverjum rótum renn;
við þat hann fellr, er fæstan varir,
flær-at hann eld né járn."